I am so excited that Judy Woodland is joining our team at DD. Judy and I have been been
on-line friends for several years. We share thought, ideas and techniques. You will love her work.
I know all of you agree with me that Darlene and Diane create the most fabulous mood boards,and this one is no exception. I love pastel colors and was drawn to the rolls of material in the soft colors. One of the things I enjoy most about being on this team is that I tend to use dies and stamps that need some love. I remembered a MFT die that I have not used in ages. It worked well to imitate the rolls of material.
Here is my card. I die cut the MFT cover plate several times in different colors of PTI papers. I now have enough parts to make several cards.
The side panel is a Frantic Stamper die that I embossed with Swiss Dots embossing folder. Some Heartfelt Creations Arianna Blossoms and Sue Wilson Dandelion Cocks and assorted pastel leaves finished the project.
Visit the
DD Challenge for inspiration from the team and then create your pastel project. One randomly drawn entry will win this fabulous flower die. YOU inspire us!!
As usual the team will WOW you with their creative pastel cards. Go take a look at all their gorgeous pastel cards at
Double D Challenge Blog